
Applying the EPBD to improve the Energy Performance Requirements to Existing Buildings - ENPER-EXIST



The ENPER-EXIST project produced 12 Newsletters to present the advancement in the project and to disseminate news on the field of the national implementation of the EPBD and related items.
All newsletters are available for pdf-download here.

Newsletter 12, April 2007

ENPER-EXIST Project Results: Non-technical issues
ENPER-EXIST Project Results: Roadmap for energy efficiency measures/policies in the existing building sector
EPBD Buildings Platform now offers 32 information papers
International analysis of low-energy buildings
Implementation of the EPBD in the Netherlands
EU 6 FP Ecobuildings project BRITA in PuBs presents first monitoring results: Retrofitted buildings meet the calculated energy demands

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Newsletter 11, February 2007
ENPER-EXIST Project Results: Building stock knowledge
ENPER-EXIST Project Results: Tools application
EPA-NR method passes BESTEST
Invitation to the PALENC/AIVC 2007 conference
German Workshop on Energy Efficient Retrofits of Schools
The IEE DATAMINE project: Collecting DATA from Energy Certification to Monitor Performance Indicators for New and Existing Buildings

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Newsletter 10, December 2006

ENPER-EXIST holds workshop session on the results of work packages 1 to 3 at the EPIC/AIVC conference in Lyon
A label for French low energy buildings
Second ENPER-EXIST workshop session at the EPIC/AIVC conference: Towards an energy efficient building stock in 2020

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Newsletter 9, November 2006

Invitation to the next ENPER-EXIST workshops at the EPIC/AIVC conference in Lyon
Information papers on the status of national EPBD implementation available on the EPBD buildings platform website
New IEA Annex on Energy Efficient Retrofit Measures for Governmental Buildings
IEE SAVE projects in the pipeline
EU Commissioner Piebalgs hands over Energy Performance Certificates for 2 European schools

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Newsletter 8, July 2006

ENPER-EXIST informs on calculated and measures rating procedures at EPBD conference in Budapest (part 2)
Implementation of EPBD Article 7 in the UK (update)
Next ENPER-EXIST-workshop at EPIC conference in November 2006
The state of progress in the transposition of the EPBD in France
The EPIC 2006 AIVC conference
High-rise: Changing the view – Energy efficiency in the refurbishment of high-rise residential buildings

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Newsletter 7, May 2006



ENPER-EXIST informs on calculated and measured rating procedures at EPBD conference in Budapest (part 1)
Implementation of EPBD Article 7 in the UK
Financial mechanisms for building energy efficiency and the new financial perspectives for the European Cohesion funds
French Building Energy Foundation has selected first 3 projects on low energy concepts for existing houses
First reports of FP6 eco-buildings project BRITA in PuBs available

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Newsletter 6, April 2006

Influences of ENPER-EXIST on CEN standards
Detailed programme of 2nd ENPER-EXIST workshop at EPBD conference in Budapest, May 2006
Progress in WP2 - Legal, economical and organisational issues
Effinergie – a new French association for low-energy buildings
Eco-buildings projects in a specific session at the 2nd Solar Cities Congress

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Newsletter 5, February 2006


Belgium (Flemish Region): Implementation of the energy performance regulation on the 1st of January 2006
Programme of 2nd workshop of ENPER-EXIST at EPBD conference in Budapest, May 2006
The EPBD Buildings Platform
WP5 of ENPER-EXIST: Dissemination
Summary of the 1st Eco-buildings symposium in Berlin
3. EnSan-Symposium on "Raumlufttechnik im Bestand" (air-conditioning systems in existing buildings)

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Newsletter 4, December 2005
First results of ENPER-EXIST: official comments on CEN draft standards
WP3 of ENPER-EXIST: building stock knowledge
German implementation of the EPBD
Germany: Excel-tool on DIN V 18599 for free download available
Concerted Action and SAVE projects: EIE initiatives closely related
Introduction into EIE project EP Label
First prototypes of EPA-NR tools expected end of 2005
Next workshop of ENPER-EXIST at EPBD conference in Budapest, May 2006

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Newsletter 3, October 2005
Success for the 1st ENPER-EXIST workshop
The EU Green Paper
Germany launches field study on EPBD implementation for non-residential buildings
German standard DIN V 18599 publicly available
French implementation of the EPBD
Belgium (Flemish region): Rules adopted to become energy expert for dwellings
Common Symposium of EU FP6 Eco-buildings projects in Berlin

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Newsletter 2, July 2005
Workplan of ENPER-EXIST work package 1: Tools Application
Planned Danish implementation of the EPBD requirements
Draft of PR EN 15217 standard submitted to public enquiry
Building Energy Foundation established in France

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Newsletter 1, April 2005

Start of ENPER-EXIST, a project in the EIE-programme of the EU supporting the implementation of the EPBD
Planned German implementation of the EPBD requirements: The new DIN V 18599

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© 2006
Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics