Welcome in the ENPER EXIST Roadmap toolbox !

Roadmap for energy efficiency measures/policies in the existing building sector
  This tool contains information relative to the measures that can stimulate energy efficiency in existing buildings. The existing measures in 7 European countries as well as long-term vision are treated.

This tool contains information about the following European countries partners in the ENPER EXIST Project : Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, The Netherlands and United Kingdom.
  Roadmap for energy efficiency measures/policies in the existing building sector
Consult the final report
Consult the annexes to the report
  Possibilities for widening the scope of the EPBD
Consult the report
  Overview of existing and possible measures to improve the energy efficiency of existing buildings

         Cross country comparison

Consult the report

  View syntesis matrix

         National situation
  Existing measures currently applied in European countries

The Netherlands
United Kingdom

  The long-term vision regarding the improvement of the energy efficiency in existing buildings in European countries

The Netherlands
United Kingdom

  Information relative to specific building market  
           Residential sector  
Social housing managed by public bodies
Residential sector - lack of enthusiasm and invisibility of energy saving measures
Residential sector - owners with no financial possibilities
Apartment buildings - the problematic of the co-ownership and decision making within apartments
Apartment buildings - importance of the way heating costs are charged in apartment buildings
           Non residential sector  
Rented office buildings
Educational buildings
Public buildings
ENPER-EXIST has received funding from the Community's Intelligent Energy Europe programme under the contract EIE/04/096/ S07.38645.
The content of this document reflects the authors' view. The authors and the European Commission are not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.