Welcome in the ENPER EXIST Roadmap toolbox !
Roadmap for energy efficiency measures/policies in the existing building sector |
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Energy efficiency is becoming a
very important topic in Europe and in the world. Among the different sectors
where energy savings can be realised, the European action plan for energy
efficiency of the European commission has identified the building sector
as a top priority. Huge cost-effective energy savings can be realised in
existing buildings. The action plan for energy efficiency mentions a potential
by 2020 of 27% to 30% according to the building type. Realising this potential
will not be done by itself and a set of accompanying measures should be
developed and implemented by different actors.
This tool has been developed in the scope of the ENPER EXIST project. It is a complement to the Roadmap report that can be found on the project website. It contains information relative to the measures that can stimulate energy efficiency in existing buildings. The existing measures as well as examples of long-term vision in 7 European countries are described.
Information relative to the following European countries can be found in this toolbox : Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, The Netherlands and United Kingdom.
This toolbox gives also indications (including
pros and cons) about the possibilities to enlarge the scope
of the Energy performance of buildings directive. |
This toolbox makes references to specific parts of the roadmap report and to the annexes. It has to used in combination with these two documents. The set of documents (report + annexes + toolbox) can be downloaded on the project website. To properly work, the zip file containing these docucmnets has to be uncompressed a single directory and the tree structure has to be maintained. The use of this toolbox requires a webbroweser and a pdf reader |
Disclaimer: ENPER-EXIST has received funding from the Community's Intelligent Energy Europe programme under the contract EIE/04/096/ S07.38645. The content of this document reflects the authors' view. The authors and the European Commission are not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.